
app_login Matched route

Route Parameters

No parameters.

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /login
# Route name Path Log
1 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
2 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
3 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
4 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
5 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
6 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
7 _profiler_xdebug /_profiler/xdebug Path does not match
8 _profiler_font /_profiler/font/{fontName}.woff2 Path does not match
9 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
10 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
11 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
12 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
13 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
14 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
15 absence_index /Effectif/{category}/Absences Path does not match
16 absence_show /Effectif/Absence/{id} Path does not match
17 absence_new /Effectif/Absence/Nouveau Path does not match
18 absence_edit /Effectif/Absence/{id}/Modifier Path does not match
19 absence_delete /Effectif/Absence/{id}/Supprimer Path does not match
20 absence_end /Effectif/Absence/{id}/Fin Path does not match
21 admin_mode_change /Administration/Mode Path does not match
22 admin /Administration Path does not match
23 admin_logs /Administration/Logs Path does not match
24 admin_logs_serveur /Administration/Serveur Path does not match
25 admin_logs_login /Administration/Login Path does not match
26 admin_logs_consult /Administration/Consultations Path does not match
27 admin_maintenance_change /Administration/Maintenance Path does not match
28 admin_trombinoscope /Administration/Trombinoscope Path does not match
29 admin_fourrieres /Administration/Fourrieres Path does not match
30 admin_peines /Administration/Peines Path does not match
31 admin_doublon_civil /Administration/Doublons/Civils Path does not match
32 avocat_new /Avocat/New Path does not match
33 avocat_edit /Avocat/Edit/{id} Path does not match
34 avocat_inactifs /Avocat/Inactifs Path does not match
35 civils_index /Civils Path does not match
36 civils_show /Civil/{id} Path does not match
37 civils_show_peine_status /Civil/Peine/{id}/{status} Path does not match
38 civils_del_peine /Civil/Peine/{id}/Supprimer Path does not match
39 civils_del_saisie /Civil/Saisie/{id}/Supprimer Path does not match
40 civils_del_fourriere /Civil/Fourriere/{id}/Supprimer Path does not match
41 civils_transfert_cayo /Civil/{id}/Cayo Path does not match
42 civils_show_peines /Civil/{id}/Peines Path does not match
43 civils_show_saisies /Civil/{id}/Saisies Path does not match
44 civils_show_fourrieres /Civil/{id}/Fourrieres Path does not match
45 civils_show_procedures /Civil/{id}/Procedures Path does not match
46 civils_show_permis /Civil/{id}/Permis Path does not match
47 civils_show_medical /Civil/{id}/Medical Path does not match
48 civils_enable_archives /Civil/{id}/Archiver Path does not match
49 civils_disable_archives /Civil/{id}/Desarchiver Path does not match
50 civils_show_archives /Civil/{id}/Archives Path does not match
51 fpr_index /Civil/FPR Path does not match
52 civils_fpr_remove /Civil/{id}/StopFPR Path does not match
53 civil_attestation_casier /Civil/{id}/AttestationCasier Path does not match
54 civils_new /Civil/Nouveau Path does not match
55 civils_new_cayo /Civil/Nouveau/Cayo Path does not match
56 civils_edit /Civil/{id}/Modifier Path does not match
57 civils_delete /Civil/{id}/Supprimer Path does not match
58 civils_fusion /Civil/{id}/Fusion Path does not match
59 civil_api_facture /Civil/api/facture/ Path does not match
60 civil_photo /Civil/{id}/Photo Path does not match
61 civil_delete_fpr /Civil/Suppression/Fpr/{id} Path does not match
62 contrats_index /Contrats/{category} Path does not match
63 contrat_new /Contrat/Nouveau Path does not match
64 contrat_edit /Contrat/Modifier/{id} Path does not match
65 contrat_pay /Contrat/Payer/{id} Path does not match
66 contrat_delete /Contrat/Supprimer/{id} Path does not match
67 effectif_show /Effectif/{id} Path does not match
68 effectif_dotation /Effectif/{id}/Dotation/{idDotation} Path does not match
69 effectif_dotation_retour /Effectif/{id}/Dotation/{idDotation}/Retour Path does not match
70 effectif_bcso /Effectif/{id}/BCSO Path does not match
71 effectif_block /Effectif/{id}/Bloquer Path does not match
72 effectif_mdp /Effectif/{id}/MotDePasse Path does not match
73 effectif_renvoi /Effectif/{id}/Renvoyer Path does not match
74 effectif_grade /Effectif/{id}/Grade/{idGrade} Path does not match
75 effectif_affectation /Effectif/{id}/Affectation/{affectation} Path does not match
76 effectif_matricule /Effectif/{id}/Matricule/{idMatricule} Path does not match
77 unit_show /Effectif/Unite/{id} Path does not match
78 effectif_index /Effectif/{category} Path does not match
79 effectif_gestion /Effectif/{category}/Gestion Path does not match
80 effectif_export /Effectif/{category}/Export Path does not match
81 effectif_moves /Effectif/{category}/Mouvements Path does not match
82 effectif_token /Effectif/{category}/Token Path does not match
83 effectif_unit_new /Effectif/{category}/Unite/Nouveau Path does not match
84 effectif_unit_edit /Effectif/Unite/Modifier/{id} Path does not match
85 effectif_grade_new /Effectif/{category}/Grade/Nouveau Path does not match
86 effectif_grade_edit /Effectif/Grade/Modifier/{id} Path does not match
87 effectif_enrole_unit /Effectif/{id}/Unite/{unitId}/Ajouter Path does not match
88 effectif_derole_unit /Effectif/{id}/Unite/{unitId}/Retirer Path does not match
89 effectif_change /Effectif/{id}/Echange Path does not match
90 effectif_photo_delete /Effectif/{id}/Photo Path does not match
91 effectif_service /Effectif/Service Path does not match
92 effectif_service_edit /Effectif/Service/{id} Path does not match
93 effectif_service_delete /Effectif/Service/{id}/Supprimer Path does not match
94 effectif_matricules /Effectif/{category}/Matricules Path does not match
95 effectif_matricules_block /Effectif/Matricules/{id} Path does not match
96 events /Calendrier Path does not match
97 event_show /Calendrier/{id} Path does not match
98 event_new /Calendrier/Nouveau Path does not match
99 event_edit /Calendrier/{id}/Modifier Path does not match
100 event_delete /Calendrier/{id}/Supprimer Path does not match
101 event_presence_change /Calendrier/{id}/Presence Path does not match
102 event_presence_delete /Calendrier/{idEvent}/Presence/{id}/Supprimer Path does not match
103 event_inscription_delete /Calendrier/{idEvent}/Inscription/{id}/Supprimer Path does not match
104 formations /Formations Path does not match
105 formations_global /Formations/Effectif/{category} Path does not match
106 formation_show /Formations/{id} Path does not match
107 formation_edit /Formations/{id}/{modification} Path does not match
108 formation_new_user /Formations/Demande/{id}/{user} Path does not match
109 formation_new /Formations/Demande/{id} Path does not match
110 formation_note /Formations/{id}/Note Path does not match
111 formation_new_date /Formations/{id}/Date/{idDate}/{number} Path does not match
112 formation_delete /Formations/{id}/Supprimer Path does not match
113 formation_class_show /Formations/Types/{id} Path does not match
114 formation_class_liste /Formations/Types/{id}/Liste Path does not match
115 formation_class_new /Formations/Types/Nouveau Path does not match
116 formation_class_edit /Formations/Types/{id}/Modifier Path does not match
117 formation_class_delete /Formations/Types/{id}/Supprimer Path does not match
118 fourriere_index /Fourrieres Path does not match
119 fourriere_add /Fourriere/Nouveau Path does not match
120 fourriere_edit /Fourriere/{id}/Modifier Path does not match
121 fourriere_giveback /Fourriere/{id}/Rendre Path does not match
122 fourriere_delete /Fourriere/{id} Path does not match
123 fourriere_recover /Fourriere/{id}/Recover Path does not match
124 groupe_index /Groupes Path does not match
125 groupe_inactifs /Groupes/Inactifs Path does not match
126 groupe_add /Groupe/Nouveau Path does not match
127 groupe_edit /Groupe/{id}/Modifier Path does not match
128 groupe_delete /Groupe/{id}/Supprimer Path does not match
129 groupe_show /Groupe/{id} Path does not match
130 groupe_extraction /Groupe/{id}/Extraction Path does not match
131 help_index /Aide/ Path does not match
132 help_gestion /Aide/Gestion Path does not match
133 help_new /Aide/Nouveau Path does not match
134 help_edit /Aide/{id}/Modifier Path does not match
135 help_level /Aide/{id}/Niveau/{level} Path does not match
136 help_show /Aide/{id} Path does not match
137 help_close /Aide/{id}/Fermer Path does not match
138 infraction_index /Infractions Path does not match
139 infraction_add /Infraction/Nouveau Path does not match
140 infraction_edit /Infraction/{id}/Modifier Path does not match
141 infraction_delete /Infraction/{id}/Supprimer Path does not match
142 inventory_index /Inventaire/{category} Path does not match
143 inventory_show /Inventaire/{category}/{id} Path does not match
144 inventory_delete /Inventaire/{category}/{id}/Supprimer Path does not match
145 entry_show /Medical/{id} Path does not match
146 entry_show_ext /Medical/Externe/785{id}95549 Path does not match
147 entry_new /Medical/Nouveau/{type}/{civil} Path does not match
148 entry_edit /Medical/Modifier/{id} Path does not match
149 entry_delete /Medical/Suppression/{id} Path does not match
150 entry_share /Medical/Partager/{id} Path does not match
151 entry_assign /Medical/Assigner/{id} Path does not match
152 quantum /Quantum Path does not match
153 quantum_ok /Quantum/{id}/OK Path does not match
154 quantum_ko /Quantum/{id}/KO Path does not match
155 moderation_index /Moderation/{category} Path does not match
156 moderation_new /Moderation/Nouveau Path does not match
157 moderation_edit /Moderation/Modifier/{id} Path does not match
158 moderation_delete /Moderation/Supprimer/{id} Path does not match
159 moderation_archives /Moderation/{category}/Archives Path does not match
160 plainte_index /Procedures Path does not match
161 plainte_archives /Procedures/Archives Path does not match
162 plainte_gestion /Procedures/Gestion Path does not match
163 plainte_new /Procedure/Nouveau Path does not match
164 plainte_show /Procedure/{id} Path does not match
165 plainte_status /Procedure/{id}/Status/{status} Path does not match
166 plainte_edit /Procedure/{id}/Modifier Path does not match
167 plainte_delete /Procedure/{id}/Supprimer Path does not match
168 plainte_preplainte /Procedure/{id}/PrePlainte/ Path does not match
169 plainte_fiche_show /Procedure/{idPlainte}/Fiche/{id} Path does not match
170 plainte_fiche_new /Procedure/{id}/Fiche/Nouveau Path does not match
171 plainte_fiche_edit /Procedure/{idPlainte}/Fiche/{id}/Modifier Path does not match
172 plainte_fiche_delete /Procedure/{idPlainte}/Fiche/{id} Path does not match
173 plainte_audition_new /Procedure/{idPlainte}/Fiche/{id}/Audition Path does not match
174 plainte_audition_edit /Procedure/{idPlainte}/Audition/{id}/Modifier Path does not match
175 plainte_audition_show /Procedure/{idPlainte}/Audition/{id} Path does not match
176 plainte_audition_public /Procedure/{idPlainte}/Audition/{id}/Public/{public} Path does not match
177 plainte_audition_deconfirm /Procedure/{idPlainte}/Audition/{id}/Deconfirmer Path does not match
178 audition_show_ext /Procedure/Externe/846{id}9739 Path does not match
179 audition_conf_ext /Procedure/Externe/846{id}9739/Valider Path does not match
180 plainte_audition_avocat /Procedure/{idPlainte}/Fiche/{id}/Avocat Path does not match
181 plainte_extraction /Procedure/{id}/Extraction Path does not match
182 preplainte_index /PrePlainte Path does not match
183 effectif_prime /Effectif/{id}/Prime Path does not match
184 prime_index /Effectif/{category}/Primes Path does not match
185 prime_init /Effectif/{category}/Primes/Initialiser Path does not match
186 prime_give /Effectif/{category}/Primes/{id} Path does not match
187 sanction_edit /Sanction/{category}/{id}/Modifier Path does not match
188 sanction_new /Sanction/Effectif/{id}/Sanctionner Path does not match
189 sanction_delete /Sanction/{category}/{id}/Supprimer Path does not match
190 security_register /register Path does not match
191 app_login /login Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.